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How you can bring back the joy in your job

Here's how you can bring back the joy in your job

Feeling trapped in your job? Well, in that case, stop fretting, for here are few ways to help you fall back in love with work.

Psychologist Dr Timothy Sharp, who calls himself ''Mr Happy'' and teaches people how to get more enjoyment out of their work, has offered the tips to make you feel good while working.

"Not everyone will be 100 per cent happy 100 per cent of the time," quoted Dr Sharp, as saying.

"You have to be realistic, but you can be more satisfied. Being 60 per cent satisfied with your job is better than being 30 per cent satisfied,” the expert added.

According to the expert, be grateful and focus on the good things about your workplace, your role or your co-workers.

"Many of us have a tendency to focus on the bad things," says Sharp.

"However there are very few organisations that are totally terrible and for every problem or colleague you don’t like there are almost certainly good things and nice people,” the expert added.

If something is making you unhappy, try to fix it.

"Don't complain, do something," says Sharp.

Most employees sit back and criticise, but assume management will step in.

"Even if it's turning up with the right mindset, even if it's doing something nice for the other person, or finding a way to bring fun into the workplace," says Sharp.

According to the expert, stop getting bogged down on details and mind numbing daily minutiae. Instead, focus on how your job fits into the big picture.

Also, remind yourself of the purpose of your job – this will make the work more meaningful.

People often spend a lot of time doing tasks we think are essential, but are really optional. Don't quit your job, just quit doing the stuff you hate, and see if anyone notices, says the expert.

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Posted byPrashanthNaik at 5:22 AM  


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