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Indians made their billions from the Web

Shriram: Shriram's net worth is $1.8 billion. He sold online classifieds site to eBay in 2007 and currently backs Indian and US tech outfits - 24/7 Customer, Frontline Wireless and An early investor in Google, he has sold more than three million shares since its 2004 public offering.

Dikshit:The wealth of Party Gaming's Dikshit runs to $1.6 billion.An IIT-Delhi graduate, he had joined Party Gaming a year after its founder, American Ruth Parasol, had launched Starluck Casino on the Internet in 1997. Dikshit wrote the company's betting software that enables gamblers around the world to play poker with one another.

Sameer Gehlaut: Sameer Gehlaut is the youngest self-made billionaire in India with a net worth of $1.2 billion. He had started an online brokerage firm Indiabulls with two college pals in 1999 and still heads the company and is its largest shareholder. The group has moved into real estate and wants to expand into the power sector, Forbes said.

Posted byPrashanthNaik at 3:59 AM  


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